

最近在读英国小说家Julian Barnes的新作《唯一的故事》,讲述一个19岁少年Paul与一个48岁的有夫之妇Susan的爱情故事。小说的情节不复杂,但小说家对内心的刻画直入幽冥,触动心弦白眼狼君 。我一直认为胖妞吧 ,优秀的小说家写出的并不是虚构类作品高歌曼舞,他们只是借助虚构的情节来写下真实的人类心灵感受,这是一种更高层次的真实。仔细阅读这样的作品,会丰富你的心灵体验。

The Only Story by Julian Barnes
What did I dislike and distrust about adulthood? Well, to put it briefly: the sense of entitlement海峰五笔 , the sense of superiority, the assumption of knowing better if not best, the vast banality of adult opinions, the way women took out compacts and powdered their noses, the way men sat in armchairs with their legs apart and their privates heavily outlined against their trousers李小龙与我 , the way they talked about gardens and gardening邓自宇, the spectacles they wore and the spectacles they made of themselves, the drinking and the smoking, the terrible phlegmy racket when they coughed, the artificial smells they applied to conceal their animal smells, the way men went bald and women shaped their hair with aerosols of glue, the noxious thought that they might still be having sex, their docile obedience to social norms, their snarky disapproval of anything satirical or questioning, their assumption that their children's success would be measured by how well they imitated their parents, the suffocating noise they made when agreeing with one another刺鲶 , their comments about the food they cooked and the food they ate, their love of stuff I found disgusting (especially olives, pickled onions, chutneys江君玉 , piccalilli, horseradish sauce, spring onions, sandwich spread, stinky cheese and Marmite), their emotional complacency, their sense of racial superiority, the way they counted their pennies, the way they hunted for food trapped between their teeth, the way they weren't interested enough in me, and the way they were too interested in me when I didn't want them to be. This was just a short list,周厚恩 from which Susan was naturally and entirely exempt.
我不相信成人,不愿步入他们的世界。为什么呢?简单说,我不喜欢成人的以下几点:他们的特权感;他们的优越感;自以为是觉得自己的想法天下第一,旁人都不如他,其实想法平庸老套得要命;女人掏出化妆包往鼻子扑粉的样子;男人岔开腿坐在扶椅里,私处隔着裤子清晰可见的样子;他们谈起养花种菜的样子;他们戴着眼镜装腔作势,浑然不知自己其实叫人大跌眼镜;他们抽烟喝酒的样子;他们咳嗽时嗓子里那口响痰;他们用香水遮掩自己的体臭;男人谢顶、女人喷发胶;他们自以为还有性能力;对社会上那一套人云亦云、亦步亦趋;但凡有点讽刺或是诘问的观点,他们都嗤之以鼻;觉得孩子能混成跟自己一样就是成功;相互恭维起来吵吵嚷嚷;他们谈下厨房谈吃的样子;他们喜欢一些恶心的东西(特别是橄榄、腌洋葱、印度酸辣酱、辣腌菜、山葵酱、生葱、三明治酱、臭奶酪、马麦酱);情感上放弃个人追求;他们的种族优越感;他们数钱的样子;聚精会神剔牙的样子;他们对我视而不见,但我不想被打搅时,他们又阴魂不散。暂时就这么多,但这些毛病惜别的海岸 ,苏珊自然一个没有。
Oh桃华月惮 , and another thing. The way, doubtless through some atavistic terror of admitting to real feelings, they ironised the emotional life, turning the relationship between the sexes into a silly running joke. The way men implied that women ran everything really; the way women implied that men didn't really understand what was going on. The way men pretended they were the strong, and women had to be petted and indulged and taken care of; the way women pretended that, regardless of the accumulated sexual folklore, they were the ones who had the common sense and practicality.The way each sex blubbingly admitted that, for all the other's faults, they still needed one another. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. And they lived with 'em in marriage, which, as one wit put it, was an institution in the sense of mental institution. Who first said that, a man or a woman?
对了郭永昌 ,还有。他们嘲讽感情生活,把男女关系过成笑话,内底里其实不敢承认真实感受;男人说女人主宰一切,女人说男人反应迟钝搞不清楚状况;男人假装自己是强者,说女人要哄着、宠着、照顾着,女人假装自己才懂得生活脚踏实地,完全忘了人尽皆知的那些男女故事;不管男女,都哭着说自己那一位犯的错再多,也离不开他/她。在一起也活不成,离开了也活不成。于是两人囿居在婚姻里。婚姻是什么,有个说法:婚姻是一种约束吴雨婵,它的作用跟精神病院的约束衣相同。这句话是谁先说的?男人还是女人万丽霞 ?
Unsurprisingly, I looked forward to none ofthis. Or rather荣继敏 , hoped it would never apply to me; indeed, believed I couldmake it not apply to me.